Budget numbers matter; they are the compass that shows us whether we are on the right course, our tool for measuring success and understanding where to intervene with the goal of improvement. However, to stop at the numbers is to lose sight of a fundamental part of a company’s development: everything that cannot be seen in a balance sheet, but which builds the foundation for lasting and harmonious success.
When working to grow, there are times in business life when the main focus is on creating a solid, lasting, scalable structure. The alignment of values among the business team and the building of foundations that can amplify the positive momentum in the years to come. This strategic work is not immediately reflected in the economic data (except in the cost side), but its impact is crucial to ensuring stability and sustainable growth.
At this time of year, when we are taking stock and defining plans for the future, it is important to look not only at the economic results, but also at the progress we have made as entrepreneurs in our relationship to our team, as an organization, and as bearers of shared values.
Building for the future
I have always considered it important, when talking about business growth, to think that it is not just about expanding positive balance sheet numbers, but about creating a system that functions independently, harmoniously, and is ready to take on new challenges. An aspect largely shared with Laura Pietrobelli, co-founder of all entrepreneurial adventures.
Each phase of business consolidation is an important building block to prepare for the next step: scaling effectively. So creating strong processes, investing in people and aligning values are challenging and time-consuming activities that at the same time can and have helped this year to strengthen the foundation of our businesses toward a successful future.
I am talking about elements such as a populous structure that is able to adapt and thrive even in changing contexts. This is an important step that is not limited to the short term, but lays the foundation for continued evolution.
These advances, while not immediately visible in a balance sheet, become evident over time. A well-constructed structure makes it possible to face challenges with confidence and seize opportunities in the years to come. It is like laying the foundation of a building: the work is not immediately visible from the outside, but it is what allows everything else to stand firmly.
Investing in people: an expense item that becomes value
When we talk about team growth, the talk often stops at cost: placements and salaries, training, upgrades, benefits and more. Of course, all of this represents a concrete expense item on the balance sheet, but I also want to show beyond that by turning the paradigm on its head: these expense items represent investments. The beating heart of the development of any system called a company. Without a team, there can be no company.
A growing and strengthening team makes it easier to achieve business goals, as well as creating a solid structure on which to build new future successes. Team competence, motivation, and alignment are elements that can make the difference between a company that survives and one that thrives.
The truth is that no marketing strategy, no technological innovation, no market expansion will ever make up for a weak corporate culture or a demotivated team. On the contrary, a team that is present and proud to be part of the company can overcome challenges, innovate, and generate results that go far beyond expectations.
The team is not just a part of the company: it represents the company. When people share values, goals and a common vision, the momentum that is generated has a direct impact on results. A team that grows professionally and personally is able to bring new ideas, innovative solutions and a positive energy that is reflected in every aspect of daily work.
Signs of healthy business growth
As we look ahead to 2024, we realize how important it is not to lose sight of the signs of growth that go beyond balance sheet numbers. A growing company is one in which:
- The team is there, and it is aligned with the corporate vision: everyone knows where we are going and why;
- People feel involved, empowered by goals and valued: motivation is not just a word, but a reality that is built day by day by refining both individual and team goals and responsibilities;
- There is room for training and personal development: when people improve, the company improves accordingly;
- Internal relationships are strong and based on trust: a positive and collaborative environment is not a luxury, but a necessity for any company that has a desire to achieve concrete results.
These signs cannot be easily quantified, but they are the foundation on which to build any future success, and we now, comparing early 2024 with today, can only be proud.
Looking to the future: beyond the numbers
As we head toward closing annual budgets and preparing to plan for a solid 2025, the goal is clear: now that processes and teams are well aligned and strong, our companies can continue to develop. This means continuing to work on the new goals to be achieved, keeping an eye on the team, the corporate culture, and making sure that every person feels that they are part of a bigger project. Our Group.
Of course, numbers are important. They are for keeping score and assessing whether we are doing well. But they are not everything, and that is what we proudly take home this year in which economic growth has been good, but structural growth even more so.
In fact, true business growth for us is the one that looks beyond budgets and aims for continuous improvement, beyond economic results, the one that looks at structural and organizational growth, beyond the values that make our companies unique for long-term growth and vision.
Looking at this year’s achievements energizes us, but it is even more inspiring to think about how these successes can be the springboard for an even brighter future. Each piece added this year – whether it’s improved processes, strengthened relationships or a stronger corporate culture – is part of a larger mosaic.
Corporate growth is a journey, not an end point. And it is in this journey that we find true satisfaction: knowing that we are building something lasting, meaningful, and capable of making a difference, for ourselves, our team, and our customers.
As 2024 draws to a close and 2025 is just inside the corner, my wish for all companies is that they continue to grow not only in numbers, but also in people, values and vision. Because true growth is growth that embraces everything.
A message for other entrepreneurs
As we near the close of 2024, I would like to extend an invitation to all entrepreneurs: reflect on what “business growth” really means.
Let’s not just limit ourselves to budget numbers, but look at our companies as structures. “Machines” made up of processes and people, whose gears work simultaneously for a common goal. If there is one thing I have learned this year, it is that numbers are not everything. When the team is there and is strong, the results also come accordingly.
And as 2024 draws to a close, let’s remember that business growth is an ongoing journey of tangible successes and invisible details. Every step counts toward creating something lasting and meaningful, for us, our team, and our customers.
Happy growth to all!
Laura & Davide